There are loads of sites dedicated to helping distribute amateur artists, writers, musicians and directors materials. Here's just a quick run down;
You cant get away from it, YouTube is helping distribute content for everybody from Musicians, to amateur directors and film makers all the way up to the other end of the scale with Multi-National Media Corporations making use of it.
Another great tool for Photographers, Graphic Designers, Artists and even writers allowing them to upload their work and discuss and promote it with other users and the rest of the internet. It also allows them to create a form of profile page to describe their work and style and give out contact details.
Yet again another great site helpful to a variety of people enabling users to create and distribute a free podcast. Helpful for everyone from; Journalists to aspiring radio presenters, or even comedians
They do exactly what they say on the tin really, their tag line is "everything by everyone". You name it if it is a way of distributing art or media including flash animations and games they have it covered.
A site Specifically for musicians to share their creations to their audiences online for free and receive feedback, regularly artists will put on rough edits and demos and ask for feedback before completing the final track. Gone are the day of desperately sending out demo tapes trying to get noticed.
Is an interesting one, as it works much like a link between a social network and a distribution site, allowing users to create profiles, make updates, enter into forum discussions and competitions whilst allowing them to promote themselves as artists, actors, dancers, directors etc.
Now obviously this a very short, short list of the tools now available to amateur content creators and performers to promote themselves.
But it shows just how much things have changed
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